When logged into the IVM installed on the VIOS you see the existing LPARs in the right panel. One is always there, the VIOS itself. If you want to create a new LPAR click on the “Create Partition” button right above the existing LPARs. This will start a wizard which gives you the opportunity to create a LPAR:
Assign enough memory to the LPAR, the default is 128 MB which is by far not enough.
Assign shared or physical processors.
Set the virtual ethernet adapters to none and only use the Host Ethernet Adapter Ports. These are directly processed by the CPU which will give you an faster throughput.
Set the storage type to existing physical volumes.
Click next as you will assign storage after the creation of the LPAR.
Do not assign any of the optical disks.
Review the summary and click Finish if everything is correct.