Table of Contents
Citrix Lost Admin
If you've lost your Citrix Administrator Account you can't access the Citrix Management Console, which means you can't change anything in your Citrix farm. Citrix should prevent you from deleting the last administrator account, but that doesn't work if this is an Active Directory object. In this case you should delete all the local metaframe administrators so the local admin automatically gets the full administrative privileges in the farm. Slim Jim is an official but unsupported Citrix utility which does just that. Follow the steps outlined in this article to recover administrative access to your citrix farm. At the end of the article there are some links for extra additional information.
Slim Jim
Step one
Download: the tool, extract and doubleclick the executable which will startup the program:
Step two
Click yes to continue (make sure you've backupped your data store), and enter the DSN name in the Select Data Source Window:
Step three
Select the 'Use Trusted Connection' to login to the SQL server: You'll receive a notification that all XP admins have been deleted. Startup the Management Console and login using the local administrator account:
Citrix Support Guidelines for Modifying Customer Databases
Before you use the Slim Jim utility please read this notice:
As a Technical Support Engineer, you are exposed to many tools and utilities for both internal and external use that are designed to assist you in your troubleshooting efforts. Two such utilities are DSEdit and XPSLIMJIM. XPSLIMJIM was initially written by the Escalation Team for internal use only. As most of you are aware, this tool has been deemed to be a security threat by our internal Citrix Security Team and is no longer available for download on any Citrix Systems Inc. download site. Effective immediately, XPSLIMJIM is not to be provided to ANY customers and it is not to be used on a customer data store under any circumstances. Regardless of where the customer received it, there will be NO support for this utility either internally or externally! To ensure that the DSEdit utility is used properly, the Tech Lead team recently met with the Escalation team to obtain clarification on the use of the DSEdit utility. This utility is for internal use only and is not to be sent to customers. In the rare instance where a customer has somehow gotten a copy of it, there will be absolutely no support for it. Online engineers, working cases that may require the use of DSEdit, should follow the standard AST procedure, completing the AST Template, and sending the case to the AST. After speaking with the Advanced Support Engineer, explain to your customer that there are NO guarantees that, when Citrix gets the Data store in-house, the data store will be fixed or that the data store, after altering, would be in a working state. Under no circumstances should any online Technical Support Engineer modify and/or send a modified data store back to a customer. In the rare instance that a data store may need to be modified, the Advanced Support Engineer assigned to the case will engage an Escalation Engineer who will, in turn, make that determination as well as the determination to escalate the case or not. If a database is sent back to a customer the customer must be told to back up his current data store before importing the new one. If a customer’s database is to be sent back to them it must be accompanied by the following disclaimer: This modified database is provided to you “AS IS” with no representations, warranties or conditions of any kind. You may use, modify and distribute it at your own risk. CITRIX DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, WRITTEN, ORAL OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TITLE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, you acknowledge and agree that (a) the database may exhibit errors, design flaws or other problems, possibly resulting in loss of data or damage to property; (b) it may not be possible to make the database fully functional; and © Citrix may, without notice or liability to you, cease to make available the current version and/or any future versions of this database. NEITHER CITRIX NOR ITS AFFILIATES OR AGENTS WILL BE LIABLE, UNDER BREACH OF CONTRACT OR ANY OTHER THEORY OF LIABILITY, FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER ARISING FROM USE OF THE MODIFIED DATABASE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION DIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, PUNITIVE, CONSEQUENTIAL OR OTHER DAMAGES, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. You agree to indemnify and defend Citrix against any and all claims arising from the modification of this database.