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Sending Email From Service Console on VMware ESX

Although it's not enabled by default you can send email from the service console from an ESX server. You'll need a perl script and a MIME module, that's all. This is the script, copy it to /usr/local/bin:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# ======================================================================
# Perl Source File -- Created with SAPIEN Technologies PrimalScript 3.1
# ORIGINAL AUTHOR: Scott Herold , RapidApp
# ORIGINAL DATE  : 11/30/2004
# MODIFY AUTHOR: Jeremy Pries, Xcedex (jpries-at-xcedex-dot-com)
# MODIFY DATE  : 4/20/2005
# MODIFY AUTHOR: Duncan Epping,
# MODIFY DATE  : 9/7/2007
# MODIFIED: Line 99 changed TEXT to TEXT/HTML
# PURPOSE: This is a small script that can send emails through an
# external smtp gateway.  This is useful when sending log files from an
# ESX host to an administrator or group on a scheduled basis. 
# Handles piped (|) input, command line message content and file attachments
# PREREQUESITES: The MIME-Lite module is required for this script 
# to function.
# This module must be placed in the following directory of your ESX host:
# (Note, the directory will need to be created and is case sensative)
# /usr/lib/perl5/5.6.1/MIME
# ======================================================================
use MIME::Lite;
use Sys::Hostname;
use Getopt::Long;
# Variables to configure
# From Address.  By default it just uses a hostname lookup.  You may change this to something else if desired.
my $fromAddress = hostname();
# Set your smarthost here
my $smartHost = "";
### Command Line Arguments
if (@ARGV < 2) {
   print "\n";
   print "Usage $0: [-t address] [-s subject] [-m Body] [-a path] [-f address] [-r smarthost]\n\n";
   print "-Enclose any options that contains spaces in quotes\n";
   print "-All options may be shortened to one character.  Ex. -t instead of -toAddress\n\n";
   print "Options:\n";
   print "  -toAddress		rcpt to address (required)\n";
   print "  -subject		subect (required)\n";
   print "  -messageBody		body (optional)\n";
   print "  -attach		full path to attachment (optional)\n";
   print "  -fromAddress		mail from address (optional)\n";
   print "  -relay		smarthost/relayhost used to deliver mail. (optional)\n\n";
   print "-If no fromAddress is specified, the address $fromAddress will be used\n\n";
   print "-If no relay is specified, the variable $smartHost in the script is used.\n";
   print " You may wish to change the value of this variable to prevent need to specify it on the command line.\n\n";
   print "As of version 0.2, script will handle message body input via a pipe.  If input is received via a pipe\n";
   print " and message body on command line, the command line text will precede the pipe input in the body.\n";
   print "\n";
my $toAddress = '';
my $subject = '';
my $messageBody = '';
my $attach = 'none';
GetOptions ('toAddress=s' => \$toAddress,'subject=s' => \$subject, 'messageBody=s' => \$messageBody, 'attach=s' => \$attach, 'fromAddress=s' => \$fromAddress, 'relay=s' => \$smartHost);
unless (-t) {
  $messageBody = $messageBody . "\n";
  while ( $line = <STDIN> ) {
    chomp $line;
    $messageBody = $messageBody . $line . "\n";
print "smartHost: $smartHost\n";
print "to: $toAddress\n";
print "subject: $subject\n";
print "attach: $attach\n";
### Default Email header stuff
$msg = MIME::Lite->new(
From =>$fromAddress,
To =>$toAddress,
Subject =>$subject,
Type =>'multipart/mixed'
### The text message portion of the email. Remember \n to break lines
$msg->attach(Type =>'TEXT/HTML',
Data =>$messageBody
### Attach a file if necessary
if ($attach ne "none") {
### Path is full path to file, Filename is file name as attached (Can be
### different than the source file name)
$msg->attach(Type =>'applications/zip',
Path =>$attach
### Mail type and SMTP server. Send email based off those settings
MIME::Lite->send('smtp', $smartHost);

The required module can be downloaded from the url provided in the script but I also host it here: (Remove everything from the filename except

Don't forget to make the script an executable after creating it: [root@esx /usr/local/bin]# chmod +x

Installing MIME-Lite

Unpack the downloaded package and copy the lib/MIME/ to this directory on your ESX host:

Note that the perl version can differ over ESX versions and that the MIME directory has to be created manually and is case sensitive.

Open the firewall

/usr/sbin/esxcfg-firewall -o 25,tcp,out,SMTP

If required, this is how to close the firewall again:

/usr/sbin/esxcfg-firewall -c 25,tcp,out,SMTP

Sending email

Send an email using this command and syntax:

/usr/local/bin/ -t -s "This is the subject" --f `hostname -s` -m "`cat /var/log/logfile.txt`" -r


  • -t = Receiver
  • -s = Subject
  • -f = Sender
  • -m = Message body
  • -r = Mail relay host

If you get this error message:

5.1.7 Invalid address

 at ./ line 114

Check both to and from address. Note that the sender address should have a valid email address syntax, like

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esxemailserviceconsole.txt · Last modified: 2021/09/24 00:24 (external edit)