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Fix: Control S Freezes Putty

Whenever I press CTRL+S in putty the terminal seems to freeze. It's actually not, but it doesn't show anything. That is because CTRL+S initiates the XOFF command, which means it accepts keystrokes but doesn't show it. There are two fixes:

Fix One - Temporary

Press CTRL+Q to initiate the XON command. Anything you pressed will be shown.

Fix Two - Permanent

Add these lines to your .bashrc file:

stty ixany
stty ixoff -ixon

Now, when you press CTRL+S you'll see this:


What this does however… I have no clue. I like it more to just add this line:

stty ixany

Now, when you hit CTRL+S the XOFF gets initiated but any character will start XON.

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fixcontrolsputty.txt · Last modified: 2021/09/24 00:24 by