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Install Solaris 10 Update 9 - ZFS only

Solaris 10 Update 9 was the first edition of solaris after Oracle took over Sun. There hasn't changed much in the install procedure, but I hadn't done a full ZFS install yet, so I decided to create a new howto. This page will have a follow up for post install configuration.

This installation was done in a VMware vSphere VM, with a vmxnet3 network adapter. That adapter is not natively supported by VMware, so the VMware Tools will have to be installed before the network card will be available.

Note: If you're looking for a installation with the root filesystem being UFS, take a look at Install Solaris 10 Update 8.


For this installation, this media was used:

  • Used Media: sol-10-u9-ga-x86-dvd.iso

During the installation the following options were chosen to make sure all filesystems use ZFS and all software would be available:

  • Install Option 4: Solaris Interactive Text (Console session) (Option 3 or 4 is required to install a ZFS root file system)
  • Keyboard Layout: US-English
  • Language: English
  • Hostname: solarixbox
  • TimeZone: Europe
  • Countries and Regions: Netherlands
  • Root Password: RootPass
  • Remote Services Enabled: No
  • Installation Method: Standard
  • Eject a CD Automatically: No
  • Auto Reboot: Yes
  • Accept License: Yes
  • Geographic Regions: Western Europe
  • System Locale: Posix C (C)
  • No Additional Products
  • Filesystem Type: ZFS
  • Software Selection: Entire Distribution
  • ZFS Pool Name: rpool (default)
  • ZFS Root Dataset Name: s10x_u9wos_14a (default)
  • ZFS Pool Size (in MB): 45019 (default - max size)
  • Size of Swap Area (in MB): 0 (will be created on different disk)
  • Size of Dump Area (in MB): 2560 (default)
  • Keep / and /var combined: yes

Check the profile summary: installsolaris10u9.jpg

Install VMware Tools

Install VMware Tools according to the manual which comes down to:

  • Click VM in the virtual machine menu, then click Guest → Install/Upgrade VMware Tools and click OK.
  • Then use these commands to install the tools:
# cp /cdrom/vmwaretools/vmware-solaris-tools.tar.gz /tmp
# cd /tmp
# gunzip vmware-solaris-tools.tar.gz
# tar xvf vmware-solaris-tools.tar
# cd vmware-tools-distrib
# ./

Follow the prompts and reboot

Afterwards you can check the installation like this, depending on the VMware tools version you'll see this:

# /etc/init.d/vmware-tools status
vmware-guestd is running
vmware-memctld is running

or this:

# /etc/init.d/vmware-tools status
vmtoolsd is running

You can now continue configuring Solaris using the post install howto.

installsolaris10u9.txt · Last modified: 2021/09/24 00:24 by