--- Sjoerd Hooft's InFormation Technology ---

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WIKI Disclaimer: As with most other things on the Internet, the content on this wiki is not supported. It was contributed by me and is published “as is”. It has worked for me, and might work for you.
Also note that any view or statement expressed anywhere on this site are strictly mine and not the opinions or views of my employer.

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Notes, Tips & Tricks: LDIF Syntax

This is a notes page, extended with tips & tricks. This page is not really documentation, just stuff for me to remember. Sometimes things will get removed from these pages and turned into real documentation, sometimes not. You might find these notes to come in hand, maybe not. For me, it's just things I don't want to forget.
Versie behoor je bovenaan de file te specificeren: version: 1

Attributen vervangen en of verwijderen

Alle attribuutwaardes verwijderen van een specifiek attribuut: dn: cn=0062549,ou=DEELNEMERS, ou=OC09, o=COMPANY changetype: modify delete: title

Een specifieke attribuutwaarde verwijderen van een multi-valued attribuut: dn: cn=0062549,ou=DEELNEMERS, ou=OC09, o=COMPANY changetype: modify delete: title title: 20071221_IDM_Cleanup

Een attribuut toevoegen: dn: cn=0062549,ou=DEELNEMERS, ou=OC09, o=COMPANY changetype: modify add: title title: Deelnemer

Meerdere attributen verwijderen of toevoegen: dn: cn=0062549,ou=DEELNEMERS, ou=OC09, o=COMPANY changetype: modify delete: title - delete: logindisabled - add: logindisabled logindisabled: FALSE

Objecten toevoegen:

dn: cn=sjoerdh,ou=users,o=ogd changetype: add mail: sjoerd_@_warmetal_nl givenName: Sjoerd fullName: S. Hooft sn: Hooft ou: Projecten objectClass: inetOrgPerson objectClass: organizationalPerson objectClass: Person objectClass: ndsLoginProperties objectClass: Top l: Delft description: MCNE - Novell specialist userpassword: ogdogd cn: sjoerdh

Objecten verwijderen: dn: cn=sjoerdh,ou=users,o=ogd changetype: delete

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ldifsyntax.txt · Last modified: 2021/09/24 00:24 (external edit)