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Move NSS Virtual Disk Between OES Virtual Machines

Yeah that's a nice title! I had to move a virtual disk to another virtual machine because of… ah well, leave the poor man alone. It's as worse as it is. But after cleaning up the tree the disk had to be inserted again some how. Although there aren't any TID's, manuals, cool solutions or anything to describe this it's pretty straight forward. That might be the reason there aren't any manuals on this, but still…

For the record, the environment is:

  • VMware infrastructure 3.5
  • Crashed server: OES 1
  • New server: OES 2
  1. I first had to create a new OES server, and move the virtual disk to the directory containing the new virtual machine. I guess it's not obligatorily to do so, but it's a good thing to do. Keeps your data store cleaned up. To do so, start up the vmware infrastructure client and select the correct data store. Browse the data store to the correct disk, right click it and select move. Then browse to the new server directory and you're done.
    1. Afterwards, remove the disk from the old virtual machine, which is also a good thing to do.
  2. Then assign the disk to the new virtual machine. Start up the vmware infrastructure client and edit the settings of your newly created server. Add a disk, choose to select an existing disk, select the correct disk, accept all the default settings and that's done as well.
  3. Now power up the virtual disk to enable NSS. If you've setup your server correctly all the necessary NSS modules are already present and all you have to do is to issue the following command at the commandline:
    1. /etc/init.d/novell-nss start
    2. This script detects the existing NSS volumes. After this I rebooted the machine, which probably isn't necessary.
  4. Now startup nssmu by typing “nssmu” at the commandline. Go to volumes, select the correct volume and press F7 to activate the volume. You know it's the correct volume if the state is deactive.
    1. You can now access the volume with a file manager, like Windows explorer, but if you look into consoleone you'll notice the pool and the volumes aren't there yet.
  5. To do so, go back into nssmu, go to the pools section and press F4 to update NDS. Do the same in the volume section. When you do this, you'll receive a very nice warning:

Press Y and you'll be happy!

Note that you could get the same warning when updating NDS for the pool.

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movenssvdbetweenoesvms.txt · Last modified: 2021/09/24 00:24 (external edit)