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WIKI Disclaimer: As with most other things on the Internet, the content on this wiki is not supported. It was contributed by me and is published “as is”. It has worked for me, and might work for you.
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Notes, Tips & Tricks: NetWare

This is a notes page, extended with tips & tricks. This page is not really documentation, just stuff for me to remember. Sometimes things will get removed from these pages and turned into real documentation, sometimes not. You might find these notes to come in hand, maybe not. For me, it's just things I don't want to forget.

Find the DIB Size on NetWare

load bash
cd /_netware
du -h ./

Research SERVER Process

  • Go to the system console and issue 'monitor'
    • Go to 'Kernel' → 'Busiest Threads'

Note the name of the process you're researching.

  • Login to Novell Remote Manager → Diagnose Server → Profile / Debug

Search for the process you noted in 'monitor' and note the 'Thread ID'.

Issue these commands on the system console:

ncp trace on ncptrace.txt

After a while:

ncp trace off

Open sys:/ncptrace.txt with your favorite text editor and search for the 'Thread ID' you noted in Remote Manager.

Turnoff SNMP

You cannot disable the SNMP protocol itself on the server, but you can disable all SNMP access to the server as follows:

  • Run INETCFG.NLM → Manage Configuration → Configure SNMP Parameters
Monitor State: No Community May Read
Monitor Community:
Control State: No Community May Write
Control Community:
Trap State: Do Not Send Traps
Trap Community:

Restart the server or issue this command to start using the new settings:

SNMP MonitorCommunity ControlCommunity TrapCommunity
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netwaretips.txt · Last modified: 2021/09/24 00:25 (external edit)