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All you need to get started with PowerBI, as an user and as an administrator.

Gateway Server

A gateway servers is only required when you plan to publish reports that need automatic renewal. Inside the datasources you configure is a refresh option (you can even enable multiple schedules). There is plenty of information available regarding requirements and installation and as it changes a lot check out this information page.

Please notice these remarks:

A gateway can only be managed by its administrators. Anyone can install a gateway and after doing so will become an gateway administrator.
There is no way (currently - sep'18) to check on installed gateways in your PowerBI Pro environment.


Check out this 30 minute training to get started with PowerBI: Office 365 Guided Learning PowerBI


All PowerBI related download can be found here

Overview Portals

  • User portal (PowerBI Pro Service):
    • You need a PowerBI Pro License to use the PowerBI Pro Service
  • Admin portal (use admin account or other privileged account):
    • You need to be a global administrator or the PowerBI administrator role
    • You need either a PowerBI Pro License or a PowerBI (free) license

My First Report

Just to get started I'll show how to create a beginner report and dashboard. As a datasource I'll use an excel file which contains Jira user stories information.

Create Data File

PowerBI is all about visualization of data, so to create something you need to have data first. These are the steps to export userstories from Jira but of course any data file will do.

  • In Jira go to the Board → Issues → View all issues and filters
  • Enter a search query, but keep in mind that jira limits the amount of stories you can export (1000), so use this query to list all stories from the project BackOffice with two specific labels:
    • project = BackOffice AND labels = powerbi OR labels = intune
  • Click on Export → Excel (All Fields)

The file that is created now is actually a html file with an excel extention. It's a good idea to open the file and save it as a proper excel file.

Optionally you could clean the file regarding empty columns and rows and data youn won't need. This will improve the usability in PowerBI.

PowerBi Desktop Install

Now you need to install the PowerBI desktop from here and install the 64 bits version with the default settings. After the installation is done you should select the “Already have an account” option and login with your work account that has the required license.

First Report

To import the excel file we created earlier follow these steps:

  • Click Get Data → Excel and select the correct excel file

Note that the two next examples are just two examples. You can create the visuals you want:

Status Issues Pie Chart

I'd like to use a pie chart to show the different statuses and the number of issues with these statuses. Column 5 is the issue status column:

  • New Visual
  • Select Pie Chart in visualizations
  • Drag Column5 to both the legend as the Values field

Assignee in Stacked Bar Chart

I'd also like the amount of issues per assignee. The assignee is listed in column 8:

  • New Visual
  • Select Stacked Bar Chart in visualizations
  • Drag Column8 to both the legend as the Values field

Now save the report and publish it. You can publish it to your own workspace or to a shared workspace. After publishing the report is available in the PowerBI Pro service.

Note that a report in your own workspace will be gone after a user

You will notice that you can play around with the visuals. For example, if you select the status open it will also show in the assignee visual the number of open issues per assignee.

Create Dashboard From Report

A dashboard can only be created in the PowerBI Pro service by adding visuals from a report (or multiple reports). If you hoover over a visual a pin will show up. Click the pin and an option appears to add the dashboard to a new or existing dashboard.

NB. I had problems viewing the dashboard using firefox.

Publish to Web

It's also possible to publish a report to the internet. Be careful using this feature as it will be publicly available for everyone to see and use.

Publish to Web

Go to report → File → Publish to web. This will provide you with both an url to email the report and code to embed the report in a website.

Undo Publish to Web

Go to Settings → Manage Embed Codes → Select the published report → Click Delete

Overview of Reports Pulished to Web

For administrators it is possible to gain insight in all published to web reports. Log on to the admin portal and go to “Embed Codes”. This will show you all reports that are published to the web and provides you with the option to delete them.

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powerbi.txt · Last modified: 2021/09/24 00:25 (external edit)