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Script: PowerCLI: Get Host Network Information

This script will grab all network information from a host including:

  • vmnic configuration
  • vmkernel ports information
  • service console information
  • all virtual switches
  • all port groups
# Basehost must be an exact match to the name in vcenter
$BASEHost = Read-Host "Enter the name of the server as found in vCenter"
$timestamp = Get-Date -format ""
$outfile = "D:\sjoerd\$timestamp-$basehost-networkinfo.txt"
$timestamp | Out-File $outfile
# Original command:
# Get-VMHostNetwork $BASEHost | Select HostName,Domain,ConsoleGateWay,DnsAddress
Add-Content $outfile "`nFinding VMkernel and Service Console information on $BASEHost" -Encoding unicode
Get-VMHostNetwork $BASEHost | Format-List | Out-File $outfile -width 500 -append
# Original command:
# Get-VMHostNetworkAdapter $BASEHost | select VMhost, Name, IP, SubnetMask, Mac, PortGroupName, vMotionEnabled, mtu, FullDuplex, BitRatePerSec
# Get-VMHostNetworkAdapter $BASEHost | select VMhost, Name, IP, SubnetMask, Mac, PortGroupName, vMotionEnabled, mtu, FullDuplex, BitRatePerSec | Export-Csv $csvfilenic
Add-Content $outfile "`nListing all NIC information on $BASEHost" -Encoding unicode
Get-VMHostNetworkAdapter $BASEHost | select VMhost, Name, IP, SubnetMask, Mac, PortGroupName, vMotionEnabled, mtu, FullDuplex, DHCPEnabled, BitRatePerSec | Out-File $outfile -width 500 -append
Get-VirtualSwitch $BASEHost |Foreach {
   $switch = $_.Name
   $numports = $_.NumPorts
   $mtu = $_.Mtu
   Add-Content $outfile "`nSwitch $switch on $BASEHost has $numports number of ports and has a configured mtu size of $mtu" -Encoding unicode
   $_ |Get-VirtualPortGroup |Foreach {
   $portgroup = $_.Name
   $vlan = $_.VlanID
   Add-Content $outfile "`nPortgroup $portgroup has vlanid $vlan" -Encoding unicode
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powercligethostnetworkinfo.txt · Last modified: 2021/09/24 00:25 (external edit)