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Remove Snapmirror Relationship
This is an example on removing a snapmirror relationship. The relationship that will be removed is:
Step One: Release Relationship from Source
Release the snapmirror relationship on the source system so the source can delete it's base snapsnot. Use this command:
snapmirror release source_volume dest_system:dest_volume
filer001> snapmirror status Snapmirror is on. Source Destination State Lag Status filer001:DATA_VOLUME filer002:DATA_VOLUME Source 00:00:44 Idle filer001> snapmirror release DATA_VOLUME filer002:DATA_VOLUME filer001> snapmirror status Snapmirror is on. Source Destination State Lag Status filer001:DATA_VOLUME filer002:DATA_VOLUME Source - Idle
Step Two: Break relationship on Target
Now break the relationship on the target system. Use this command:
snapmirror break vol_name
filer002> snapmirror status Snapmirror is on. Source Destination State Lag Status filer001:DATA_VOLUME filer002:DATA_VOLUME Snapmirrored 00:02:20 Pending filer002> snapmirror break DATA_VOLUME snapmirror break: Destination DATA_VOLUME is now writable. Volume size is being retained for potential snapmirror resync. If you would like to grow the volume and do not expect to resync, set vol option fs_size_fixed to off. filer002> snapmirror status Snapmirror is on. Source Destination State Lag Status filer001:DATA_VOLUME filer002:DATA_VOLUME Broken-off 00:05:25 Idle
Step Three: Determine Snapshot Copy Basename on Target
Now find the name for the snapshot base the relationship is based on. Use this command:
snapmirror status -l dest_vol
filer002> snapmirror status -l DATA_VOLUME Snapmirror is on. Source: filer001:DATA_VOLUME Destination: filer002:DATA_VOLUME Status: Idle Progress: - State: Broken-off Lag: 01:52:53 Mirror Timestamp: Fri Sep 7 11:24:05 CEST 2012 Base Snapshot: filer002(0151702878)_DATA_VOLUME.587187 Current Transfer Type: Scheduled Current Transfer Error: destination is not in snapmirrored state Contents: Replica Last Transfer Type: Scheduled Last Transfer Size: 11744 KB Last Transfer Duration: 00:00:30 Last Transfer From: filer001:DATA_VOLUME
Step Four: Delete the Snapshot Copy on Target
Now delete the snapshot you've found. Without it the relationship will enter its uninitialized state. Use this command:
snap delete dest_vol snapshot_basename
filer002> snap delete DATA_VOLUME filer002(0151702878)_DATA_VOLUME.587187 filer002> snapmirror status Snapmirror is on. Source Destination State Lag Status filer001:DATA_VOLUME filer002:DATA_VOLUME Uninitialized 01:55:21 Idle
Step Five: Remove the Relationship From the Snapmirror.conf on Target
Use rdfile and wrfile to remove the snapmirror relationship. Note that you need a blank line at the end of the file when creating a file using wrfile.
filer002> rdfile /etc/snapmirror.conf #Regenerated by registry Thu Apr 26 09:17:46 GMT 2012 # Exchange Mirror filer001:DATA_VOLUME filer002:DATA_VOLUME - * * * * filer002> wrfile /etc/snapmirror.conf #Regenerated by registry Thu Apr 26 09:17:46 GMT 2012 #
Changes will take 2 minutes to reflect in snapmirror status on the target:
filer002> snapmirror status Snapmirror is on. Source Destination State Lag Status
Note that the source doesn't clean up automatically, I had to remove the volumes before the snapmirror status stopped showing them.