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Script: Azure DevOps API: Keep Forever

Goal of the script is to check all my deployments in production and set the retain indefinitely / keep forever property to true if this is not done yet. It uses the following parts / useful techniques:

  • List all projects
  • List all deployments
  • Get Releases
  • The combined use of the $top parameter and a continuation token

The Script

Note that you need to change the first three variables.

# Define organization base url, PAT and API version variables
$orgUrl = ""
$releaseOrgUrl = ""
$pat = "XXX"
$apiversion = "api-version=6.1-preview"
# Create header with PAT
$token = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(":$($pat)"))
$header = @{authorization = "Basic $token"}
# First list all projects
$projecturl = "$orgUrl/_apis/projects?$apiversion"
Write-Output "Projects url = $projecturl"
$projects = (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $projecturl -Method GET -ContentType "application/json" -Headers $header).Value
# Override to test with 1 project
# $projects = $projects | where {$ -eq "projectname"}
ForEach ($project in $projects){
    Write-Host "Project: $($"
    # List all deployments 
    # Note that with the default settings you only get a maximum of 50 deployments per request, which can be changed using the $top parameter, to a max of 100. After which you need to use the continuationToken to loop through multiple requests and add the responses. 
    Write-Host "Evaluating deployments per 100: " -NoNewline
    $deploymentbaseurl = "$releaseOrgUrl/$($$apiversion&`$top=100"
    $deploymenturl = $deploymentbaseurl
    $deployresults = @()
    do {
        # Write-Output "Deployment url = $deploymenturl"
        # Note: The ResponseHeadersVariable parameter was added in PS 6
        $deployments = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $deploymenturl -Method GET -ContentType "application/json" -Headers $header -ResponseHeadersVariable headers
        # Add the deployments to the previous deployments, if any
        $deployresults += $deployments.value
        # Grab the continuation token from the webserver response, and change the deployment url accordingly
        if ($headers["x-ms-continuationtoken"]){
            $continuation = $headers["x-ms-continuationtoken"]
            #write-host "Token: $continuation"
            $deploymenturl = $deploymentbaseurl + "&continuationtoken=" + $continuation
        Write-Host "." -NoNewline
    } while ($headers["x-ms-continuationtoken"])
    # Only select the successful deployments to production
    $prddeployments = $deployresults | Select-Object release,deploymentStatus,releaseEnvironment,releaseDefinition | Where-Object {(($ -eq "production") -AND ($_.deploymentStatus -eq "succeeded"))}
    Write-Host "`nNumber of total deployments = $($deployresults.Count)"
    Write-Host "Number of prod deployments = $($prddeployments.Count)"
    # Check every production deployment if the retain forever flag is set to true
    ForEach ($prddeploy in $prddeployments){
        $releaseurl = "$releaseOrgUrl/$($$($$apiversion"
        #Write-Output "Release url = $releaseurl"
        $keepforever = (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $releaseurl -Method GET -ContentType "application/json" -Headers $header).keepforever
        if (!$keepforever) {
            Write-Host "Missing Retain Forever: " -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline; Write-Host "$($prddeploy.release.webAccessUri)"
            # Comment the next lines out if you first want to run without actually changing something
                $changeddeployment = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $releaseurl -Method Patch -ContentType "application/json" -Headers $header -Body "{`"keepforever`":`"true`"}"
                write-host "Deployment $($ (id:$($ was set to keep forever: $($changeddeployment.keepForever)"
            } catch {
                write-host "Changing keep forever failed, please try to do manually: $($prddeploy.release.webAccessUri)"
                Write-host $_.Exception.Message


scriptazuredevopsapikeepforever.txt · Last modified: 2022/01/20 16:37 by sjoerd