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Script: PowerShell: Calculate Free Space on NetApp Volumes

This is a script to calculate the amount of free space on NetApp Volumes (which is nice if you have thin provisioned LUNs).

# Debug mode
$debug = 0
if ($debug -eq "1"){Write-Host "DEBUG mode enabled!"; $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"; Write-Host "On error: $ErrorActionPreference"}
# Import DATA ONTAP Module
Import-module D:\sjoerd\DataONTAP
# Select Filer with default option provided
$filer = Read-Host "Please enter the name of the filer you want to query [filer01]"
if ($filer -eq ""){$filer = "filer01"}
# Getting credentials for NetApp filer
while ($filercredentials -eq $null) {
  Write-Host "Please provide authentication credentials for NetApp filer $filer" 
  $filercredentials = $Host.UI.PromptForCredential("Please enter credentials", "Enter NetApp filer credentials", "root", "")
# Connect to Filer
Connect-NaController $Filer -Credential $filercredentials | Out-Null
# Create a hash table for clear view of the output
$myTable = @()
ForEach ($volume in (Get-NaVol)){
   $SpaceInfo = "" | Select VolumeName,TotalSize,FreeSpace
   $SpaceInfo.VolumeName = $volume
   $totalsize = (Get-NaVol $volume).TotalSize
   $SpaceInfo.TotalSize = $totalsize / 1073741824
   $leftoversize = $totalsize
   Write-Host "Calculating free space for volume $volume with a total size of $SpaceInfo.TotalSize GB."
   ForEach ($lun in (Get-NaLun | where {$_.Path -match "/$volume/"})){
      if ($debug -eq "1"){Write-Host "Doing $lun now"}
	  $lunsize = (Get-NaLun $lun).TotalSize
	  $leftoversize = $leftoversize - $lunsize
	  if ($debug -eq "1"){Write-Host "$volume with a total size of $totalsize has now $leftoversize space left"}
   # Convert the amount of bytes left to gigabytes left and round it up to 2 decimals. 
   $SpaceInfo.FreeSpace = [Math]::Round(($leftoversize / 1073741824),2)
$myTable += $SpaceInfo
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scriptcalcfreespacenetappvolumes.txt · Last modified: 2021/09/24 00:25 (external edit)