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Script: Copy Initiatorgroups Between NetApp Filers

This script can be used to copy all initiators within an initiator group to another filer.

The Code

# Script variables
$scriptname = [System.IO.Path]::GetFilenameWithoutExtension($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path.ToString())
$scriptlocation = Split-Path $myinvocation.mycommand.path
$timestamp = Get-Date -format ""
$filercred = (Get-Credential)
$srcfiler = "filer01a"
$dstfiler = "filer01b"
# Import DATA ONTAP Module
Import-module D:\DataONTAP
# Connect to the source controllers.
Connect-NaController $srcfiler -credential $filercred
# Get Required IGroup on the source controller.
# $IGroups = Get-NaIgroup | Where {$_.Name -like "Production"}
$IGroups = Get-NaIgroup
# Connect to the destination controllers.
Connect-NaController $dstfiler -credential $filercred
# Get all the IGroups on the destination controller.
$ExistingIGroups = Get-NaIgroup
# Create any missing IGroups, and verify all Initiators.
Foreach ($IGroup in $IGroups){
     # Get the current IGroup
     $I = $ExistingIGroups | Where {$_.Name -eq $IGroup.Name}
     # Create non-existing groups
     if (-Not $I){
          $I = New-NaIgroup -Name $IGroup.Name -Protocol $IGroup.Protocol -Type $IGroup.Type
     # Add any missing initiators from the source
     $Initiators = $I.Initiators | Select -ExpandProperty 'InitiatorName'
     $IGroup.Initiators | Where {$Initiators -notContains $_.InitiatorName} |Add-NaIgroupInitiator -Igroup $I.Name
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scriptcopyinitiatorgroup.txt · Last modified: 2021/09/24 00:25 (external edit)