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SRM Failure: Perform a Manual Test or Recovery

So, what if SRM fails? SRM will be your plan A in case of a disaster, but what if SRM fails. What if the database or server is corrupt. This page shows you how to do a manual test or recovery, based on NetApp snapmirror replication.

Luckily, I never had to do this myself. But this was the way a colleague of mine performed a test before we had SRM.

These are just the commands and are meant to get you on your way, when I ever have to do this I'll update it with more detail.

SRM Manual Test

Check the snapshotname:

snapmirror status -l <volname>

Create a clone of the volume in place:

vol clone create <clonevolume> -b <destinationvolume> <existingsnapshot> -s none

Map the LUNs in the clones volume to the correct initiatorgroup. Make sure the LUN id is available:

lun map <clonevolume>/<lunname> <initiatorgroup> <lunid>

Set the LUN online so the ESXi hosts can access it:

lun online <clonevolume>/<lunname>

Now the LUN should be up so you can discover the datastores on the host and import the VMs.

SRM Manual Recovery

The procedure above is a test, in case you have to do a real disaster follow these steps:

Break the snapmirror to make a writable volume:

snapmirror break <volname>

Map the LUNs in the replicated volume to the correct initiatorgroup. Make sure the LUN id is available:

lun map <volume>/<lunname> <initiatorgroup> <lunid>

Set the LUN online so the ESXi hosts can access it:

lun online <volume>/<lunname>

Now the LUN should be up so you can discover the datastores on the host and import the VMs.

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srmfailure.txt · Last modified: 2021/09/24 00:25 (external edit)