--- Sjoerd Hooft's InFormation Technology ---

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WIKI Disclaimer: As with most other things on the Internet, the content on this wiki is not supported. It was contributed by me and is published “as is”. It has worked for me, and might work for you.
Also note that any view or statement expressed anywhere on this site are strictly mine and not the opinions or views of my employer.

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SHIFT - Sjoerd Hooft's InFormation Technology

This WIKI is my personal documentation blog. Please enjoy it and feel free to reach out if you have a question about something.

Cheat Sheet

An overview of all sorts of commands and script usage.


2022/07/02 12:32 · sjoerd

Script: Azure DevOps API: Remove Leases

Goal of the script is to remove all the leases that are set on all of the builds that are created with a specific pipeline:

  • Retrieve the builddefinition id for the specified pipeline
  • Lists all leases for the builddefinition
  • Removes all the leases for the build definition id

If the leases kept you from deleting the build pipeline, you can delete the pipeline afterwards.


2022/01/20 17:03 · sjoerd

Script: Powershell Remoting: Check Windows Patch Status

The script below is to check Windows Server in an Active Directory environment using PowerShell Remoting.


2022/01/20 16:51 · sjoerd
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start.txt · Last modified: 2021/10/13 20:57 by sjoerd