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Tivoli AIX Client


Installing and configuring the tsm client software on AIX.


Download the latest software from the IBM website

Install software :

mkdir /tmp/tivoli
cp /exports/install/ibm/Tivoli\ Storage\ Manager/ /tmp/tivoli
cd /tmp/tivoli
tar -xvf 
smit install
  • install :
    • tivoli.tsm.client.api.32bit
      • select the complete product

Config files :

  • /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsm.sys:
* IBM Tivoli Storage Manager                                           *

DEFAULTServer   company-backup

SErvername      company-backup
   NodeName             <fill in short hostname, aka "mailserver">
   COMMmethod           TCPip
   TCPServeraddress     <server dns name>
   TCPPort              1500
   PAsswordAccess       generate
   ENcryptKey           save
   errorlogname         /var/log/backuperrors.log
   schedlogname         /var/log/backupsched.log
  • /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsm.opt:
* IBM Tivoli Storage Manager                                           *

* Which server to use by default.
DEFAULTServer   company-backup

* Mischellaneous client options.
COMPRESSAlways  no
  • Add these lines to /etc/inittab:
itsm::once:/usr/bin/dsmc schedule >/dev/null 2>&1 #TSM scheduler
itsm2::once:/usr/bin/dsmcad >/dev/null 2>&1 #TSM web client


Check the client and see it's schedule:

tsm> q sched

Check when the latest backup was:

tsm> q fi

N.B. Note that you need the correct username and password for this the first time you start the program.

Manual startup

Start the scheduler in the background with the command :

nohup dsmc schedule 2>/dev/null & 
nohup dsmcad 2>/dev/null &


To restore a backup you need to go to the following adress using your webbrowser: http://<server>:1581/BACLIENT

Note that in case you don't see anything or receive error messages the dsmcad has probably failed. Restart the service using the command above. Choose the option restore from backup from the menu and a popup will appear to ask for your credentials. After filling in your credentials a new screen will popup and you'll have access to the restore function. Also note that you need to have a java runtime environment installed on your local machine to access the web client. Click on the File level folder. In the file level folder you can see which filesystems are currently being backed up. If you push the point of time button you can change the backup date. You can browse through the filesystems in the right panel where you can select the files to be restored by putting a mark for it. When you're done with your selection you can click the restore button. The files can be restored to another directory if needed. You can specify so after clicking the restore button.


  • If an AIX server loses network connectivity for a period longer then one hour it's possible that the TSM client will get in an error state. In this state the client cannot connect to the TSM server to poll its schedule. Even when networkconnectivity is restored the TSM client will stay in an error state until the process has been killed and restarted. Type ps -ef | grep -i dsmc to see the schedulers process then kill it with -9. Afterwards run the nohup command from above to start the service.
  • If you get errormessages when trying to log in into dsmc remove the /etc/security/adsm/TSM.PWD file and restart dsmc. You can now enter the correct password.

Remove / Uninstall the Tivoli AIX Client

  • Smitty install
    • Software Maintenance and Utilities
      • Remove Installed Software

Expand the 'SOFTWARE name' list and select: (with F7)

  • tivoli.tsm.client.api.32bit
  Filesets listed in this section passed pre-deinstall verification
  and will be removed.
    -- Filesets are listed in the order in which they will be removed.
    -- The reason for deinstalling each fileset is indicated with a keyword
       in parentheses and explained by a "Success Key" following this list. (Selected)
    TSM Client - Backup/Archive Base Files (Selected)
    TSM Client - IMAGE Backup Client (Selected)
    TSM Client - NAS Backup Client (Selected)
    TSM Client - Backup/Archive WEB Client (Selected)
    TSM Client - Backup/Archive Common Files

  tivoli.tsm.client.api.32bit (Selected)
    TSM Client - Application Programming Interface

Cleanup Files:

rm -rf /usr/tivoli/
rm /var/log/dsmwebcl.log
rm /var/log/dsmsched.log
rm /var/log/backuperrors.log

Remove these lines from /etc/inittab:

itsm::once:/usr/bin/dsmc schedule >/dev/null 2>&1 #TSM scheduler
itsm2::once:/usr/bin/dsmcad >/dev/null 2>&1 #TSM web client
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tivoliaixclient.txt · Last modified: 2021/09/24 00:25 (external edit)