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WIKI Disclaimer: As with most other things on the Internet, the content on this wiki is not supported. It was contributed by me and is published “as is”. It has worked for me, and might work for you.
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Terminal Server Installation

This is the installation of Windows 2008R2 Enterprise Edition 64 bits. Installed like Windows Server 2008.

VMware Tools

VMware Tools have been installed on the system.

Server activation

cscript c:\Windows\System32\slmgr.vbs -skms
cscript c:\Windows\System32\slmgr.vbs -ipk XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX
cscript c:\Windows\System32\slmgr.vbs -ato

Other Required Services

Eventlog to Syslog

I want the event viewer to forward all event viewer events to syslog:

C:\Users\administrator>cd c:\windows\system32

c:\Windows\System32>evtsys -i -h <acceptance Syslog>
Checking ignore file...
May  7 16:41:06 Error opening file: evtsys.cfg: The system cannot find the file

May  7 16:41:06 Creating file with filename: evtsys.cfg
Command completed successfully

Now, go into your services.msc and start the service.

Telnet Client

Windows Server 2008 comes by default without a telnet client which is a no go in my opinion.

I used these steps to add the telnet client to Windows Server 2008 active features:

  1. Open Server Manager by clicking Start ? 'Server Manager'
  2. Click on 'features' from the left panel in Server Manager
  3. Click on 'Add Features'
  4. From the available list of features select 'Telnet Client' and click 'Next'
  5. Click on 'Install'
  6. Click 'Close'

Windows Security

I disabled the Windows Firewall and disabled Internet Explorer Enhanced Security.

Windows Domain

I added the server to the domain.

Windows Terminal Services

I added the Role Remote Desktop Session Host and Remote Desktop Licensing. Users that are member of Remote Desktop Users are allowed to log on.

Windows Update

I ran Windows Update and installed all updates available.


Turn off User Access Control:

  • Control Panel → User Accounts → Turn User Account Control On or Off
  • Uncheck the 'Use User Account Control (UAC) to help protect your computer' checkbox


Software for System Administrators

  • 7Zip 9.2.0
  • Cygwin - X11: Install, the rest as Default
  • Daemon Tools Lite
  • FileZilla FTP Client
  • FireFox 3.6.12
  • Java JRE 6.22
  • Softera LDAPBrowser 2.6
  • Notepad++ 5.8.8
  • Oracle 10g (10204) Client
    • Full control has been given to the group Everyone for C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_1\NETWORK, this is needed to be able to create oracle database connection settings.
  • PDFCreator 1.1.0
  • Putty
  • VNC Viewer 4.1.3
  • WinMerge 2.12.4
  • WINscp 4.2.9

Software for users

  • PDFCreator 1.1.0
  • Foxit pdf Reader 4.3
  • BgInfo 4.16
    • Only set it to change the desktop for terminal users
    • Create a batch file in the bginfo program directory:
      • BgInfo.exe /timer:0 /nolicprompt bg.bgi
      • Create a shortcut from the 'All Users' Startup directory (Rightclick Startup → Explore All Users)
    • Use this configuration file:
Acceptance Environment

Host Name:	<Host Name>
OS Version:	<OS Version>

IP Address:	<IP Address>
Domain:	<Logon Domain>

User Name:	<User Name>

If there are problems using this environment 
please contact the IT department:

it@company.local /
You could leave a comment if you were logged in.
tsinstall.txt · Last modified: 2021/09/24 00:25 (external edit)