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VMware Storage vMotion (ESX 3.5)

To manually move a VM to different storage use the tool SVMotion, which is a VMware Infrastructure (VI) client plug-in that extends the client's functionality by providing an integrated, graphical tool that can be used to invoke storage vMotion (SVMotion) operations.

SVMotion Resources


Just double click to start the installation and logically follow the prompts. There's nothing exotic what so ever about the install.


After the installation, restart the vSphere Client and go the Virtual Machine you want to Migrate. Follow these steps to migrate the VM:

  • Right-Click the VM and click on 'Migrate…'
  • Select the 'Change datastore' and click 'Next >'
  • Select the 'Destination Resource Pool', which can remain the same. Click 'Next >'
  • Select the 'Destination Datastore', and click 'Next >'
  • Select 'Same format as source' for the 'Disk Format', and click 'Next >'
  • Click 'Finish' to start the migration.
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vmwaresvmotion.txt · Last modified: 2021/09/24 00:25 (external edit)